Erasmus+ Student Mobility

Students enrolled in formal education in higher education institutions can participate in student mobility in higher education. Students studying in open education and similar (distance education) programs cannot benefit from the activity. Student Mobility can be realized in 4 ways; Study mobility, Internship mobility, Short-term PhD mobility and Mixed mobility.

Erasmus+ Study Mobility; Within the scope of the exchange agreements, we have signed with distinguished universities in the member states of the European Union, our students can spend 1 semester or 1 year of their education abroad within our quotas. Our students studying in our associate, undergraduate or graduate programs can benefit from the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ Internship Mobility; Erasmus+ Internship Mobility is the internship activity of a student enrolled in a higher education institution in a company located in a European Union member country or in a university with ECHE. Internship Mobility aims to increase the level of basic and professional knowledge, skills and competence of students; to improve their foreign language proficiency and to understand the importance of social, linguistic and cultural diversity; to actively participate in business life internationally.

How to Apply?

Application dates are announced to students by the International Office Coordinatorship.  On the specified application dates, students are required to log in to the Turna Application System ( via the E-government system and fill out the Online Application Form completely.  Students who meet the application requirements will take the Erasmus Language Exam. For the application dates, you need to follow the e-mail announcements and the announcements on our university's website.

Application Requirements and Selection Criteria

The student must have completed at least 1 semester of the associate degree/undergraduate program of the university, excluding the preparatory class, during the period in which he/she will apply for study mobility.

The GPA for associate/undergraduate students who will apply to the program must be at least 2.20 in the 4-point system and at least 2.50 for graduate students.

Evaluation Criteria

All evaluation processes and procedures are carried out in accordance with the principles and guidelines specified in the Implementation Handbook published by the Turkish National Agency for the relevant contract period.



Weighted Score

Academic Achievement Level

50% (out of 100 points)

Language Proficiency

50% (out of 100 points)

For children of martyrs and veterans*

+15 points

For disabled students, upon documentation of disability.** (Required documents must be uploaded to the system during application)

+10 points

For students under protection, care, or accommodation decision according to the Social Services Law No. 2828***

+10 points

Submission of internship acceptance letter at the time of application

+10 points

For applicants or their first-degree relatives receiving disaster relief from AFAD

+10 points

Internships aimed at developing digital skills (DOTs) are prioritized****

+5 points

Previous participation in the same project type (with or without grant)******

-10 points

Participation in mobility in the country of citizenship*****

-10 points

Failure to participate in mobility after being selected without timely renunciation

-10 points

Applying for two types of mobility simultaneously (reduction applied to the student's preferred mobility type)*

-10 points

For selected students: Failure to attend meetings/training sessions related to mobility organized by the higher education institution without an excuse (applied if the student reapplies for Erasmus)

-5 points

Declaring intent to take the language exam and failing to do so without an excuse (applied if the student reapplies for Erasmus)

-5 points


*In addition to the spouses and children of combat veterans and martyrs, according to Article 21 of the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713 dated April 12, 1991, “public officials who have been injured, disabled, killed, or have died due to terrorist acts while performing their duties at home or abroad, or even if their official capacity has ended, due to their performance of these duties,” their spouses and children, and according to Article 7 of the Decree-Law No. 667 dated July 23, 2016, the spouses and children of those who lost their lives or became disabled due to the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, and related terrorist acts, as well as civilians who were injured or killed during these events, and their spouses and children, are prioritized if they apply for Erasmus+ student mobility.

** For prioritization, the student must present a Disability Health Board report as stated in the “Regulation on Disability Assessment for Adults” published in the Official Gazette No. 30692 dated February 20, 2019.

*** For prioritization, the student must present a letter from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies stating that there is a protection, care, or accommodation decision under Law No. 2828.

**** Internships that involve one or more of the following activities are considered under this scope: digital marketing (e.g., social media management, web analytics), digital graphic, mechanical and architectural design; application, software, and website development; installation, maintenance, and management of IT systems and networks, cybersecurity, data analytics, data mining and visualization; programming, robotics, and artificial intelligence training. General customer service, demand creation, data entry, or routine office tasks are not considered under this scope.

***** If the student has citizenship of the country they are applying to and does not disclose this information during the application, their right to be considered as a primary candidate will be revoked if the citizenship status is discovered later.

****** This is applied only once. If selected, it will not be applied in subsequent applications of the student.

The additional points will continue to be applied in subsequent applications if the student is not selected.

* The student can apply for both mobility programs. However, it is mandatory to upload a 'Priority Petition' during the application. (The student must write a petition stating the mobility for which he / she wants to be reduced by -10 points)

Students are ranked according to the total score obtained and placed according to their order of preference and the quota status of the universities. If the total points calculated by taking into account all criteria are equal, priority is given to the student with the higher academic achievement grade, and if the academic achievement grade is equal, priority is given to the younger student.

Students can waive the financial support (grant) if they wish. Students who do not qualify for a grant can benefit from the program with “0” grant.

Erasmus+ Grant Amounts

Students are provided with grants to help with the additional costs of their stay abroad during the duration of their activity abroad. The grants are not intended to cover the full cost of the activity, but only as a contribution.


Country Groups

Host Country

Monthly Grant for Study (Euro)

Monthly Grant for Internship (Euro)

1st and 2nd Group Countries

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece



3rd Group Countries

Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye





Erasmus+ Mobility Without Grant


If students wish to participate in the mobility program without a grant, they can notify the International Office Coordination after the results are announced to use this right. Whether Erasmus+ students are selected with or without a grant, they do not pay tuition fees, registration fees, examination fees, or library usage fees to the university they will attend.


Inclusion Support


The Erasmus+ Program encourages the participation of individuals with special needs. An individual with special needs is a potential participant whose physical, mental, or health condition prevents them from participating in the project/mobility activity without additional financial support. Requests for Erasmus+ inclusion support must explain the need for the support and include supporting documents (e.g., if the inclusion support is related to a disability, a doctor's report detailing the disability and its severity (not older than 3 months) or a photocopy of the disability card, or a doctor's report for chronic illnesses). Students must upload the relevant documents to the application system during the application process. These documents will be reviewed after the application.

You can share your experience with us!

If you would like to share an article, photo or video about your experience during your Erasmus+ mobility, you can send an e-mail to